Thursday, January 7, 2016

Preparing For Check In

Before we begin, I want to start by saying I have not yet check in, this is not account of my check in, that will come in the future. This is just a 'what can we expect' post. Okay? Okay. Now that we have that sorted out:


Which means at this point everyone is probably freaking out, finishing packing, and are possible even on their way! In case you haven't been able to figure it out, I'm pretty stinkin' excited. 4 days from now I will be all checked in and probably in my new apartment with my amazing roomies and that's the coolest thing of all! I have 6 absolutely amazing girls that I plan on living with, and a few days from now we'll be on the adventure of a lifetime together. But before I can start that I have a lot to get through first!

So if you haven't been crazily obsessing about the DCP for the last 7-8 years like I have, you might be a bit in the dark about what is going to be happening over the next few days. SO here are a few things you need to know:

You MUST be within the Disney look from the shoulders up for check in. This means no bare shoulders, no over the top makeup, and no multicolored hair. Take out your piercings, cover your tattoos, and be prepared to be checked for the Disney Look. Make sure you show up during your designated arrival time. The world isn't going to end if you're a bit early (though security might not let you in) but things could get complicated if you're late!

So as you're getting ready to go on your way, there are a few things you need to bring with you:
  • Proof that you are eligible to work in the US. If you are a US citizen that means your drivers license or state issued ID card AND your social security card for birth certificate. If you have a passport, that is all you need as proof.
  • Boarding Pass. Make sure you print the email Disney sent you with the barcode so they can gain access to your information at check in. 
  • Vehicle Registration. This doesn't mean your actual registration, this means the registration Disney had you fill out during DORMS registration. If you're bringing your car to stay in Florida, you need to fill out this form so that your car can be parked inside housing. When you print this form, it will print your boarding pass with it, so save paper and just print it once. 
  • Car insurance. Bring your insurance card and make sure it is in YOUR NAME. It cannot be in your parent's name. If you parent's pay for your insurance great, good for you, but the card must have your name on it, or you will not be able to register your car. 
If you happen to forget your social security card or birth certificate, don't panic. It happens more often than you think. Disney will put you on a bus to the Social Security office with approximately five hundred million other people to obtain a copy. This will push your Traditions/Training schedule back a bit, but it you will be able to start eventually! Your best bet is to place these documents in a folder with a flap that closes before you leave home. Not only are you carrying important documents you don't want anyone else getting their hands on, you are also going to be receiving a bunch of paperwork that you don't want to loose. Which brings us to the next part: what are you going to be finding out during check in?
  • Housing! During check in you'll be finding you where you are going to be living for the next 5+ months! It will be given to you on a sticker attached to your program guide, along with your personnel id number and other information.
  • Work location! In years past, you would find out your work location during casting, but more recently they've been giving that information out during check in. Unless you're a lifeguard, you will find out your exact location at check in! Lifeguards don't find out their location until they have passed their swim test.
  • Schedule. You will be given your schedule for the first week during check in up to Traditions. You'll find out when your swim test, drug test, and language tests are if applicable. You'll find out when your housing meeting is, when you have casting, and when your Traditions is. Make sure you hold on to these papers, as I'm not sure how you would go about securing a replacement if they were lost!
There will also be a lot of other information given to you, but somethings are better left a surprise, don't you think? And that's check in! Just know, the earlier in the day your check in is, the more crowded it's likely to be. If applicable, drug tests and swimming tests will be given the first day, while language tests are generally the next day. If you have the first time slot, you probably have a drug/swim test. Everyone will also go through casting, where they will be finger printed and put into Disney's system. If you have to do a drug test, make sure you drink enough water that you can go to the bathroom, but not so much that it's going to dilute the test. Some positions, such as lifeguards, have to pass a vision test before they can work. If you have glasses or contacts you may wear them, but if your are life guarding be sure it's contacts, as you'll need to wear them during your swim test. If you don't pass the vision test or the swim test, they will reassign your role, they won't just send you home. And that's that! In just a few more days we'll be in the happiest place on Earth, working for the mouse. I can't wait to meet you all. See ya real soon!

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