Friday, October 23, 2015

Making Decisions: Should I Drive Or Fly and Should I Bring My Car

   This is the second part in my Making Decisions series, following up on "Where To Stay and When To Get There". If you haven't read it, you can check it out HERE!

Should I Drive or Fly?
   There are a lot of deciding factors here! How far away are you? Are you keeping your car in Florida with you? Is money or time more important to you? Do you love road trips, are you afraid of flying? Or maybe you appreciate letting someone else take control of getting you there? How about, how much stuff do you NEED to bring?!
  • How Far Away Are You? How close you are to Orlando COULD be one of the determining factors, but not necessarily the main one. Personally, I'm going to be driving about 22 hour to get to Orlando, and I know there are people who make an even longer trek. It all depends on what you're comfortable with! If you're close, then I would highly recommend driving. You'll be able to bring more of what you need, and spend less money on things you already own once you're in Orlando. However, if you're farther away, maybe flying is the best option for you, especially if you're worried about time!
  • Money vs. Time: This is not necessarily as clear cut as it seems. There is a lot that goes into which is going to be more expensive. If you're driving, you need to take gas, tolls, possible hotel stays and more into account. Whereas, if you're flying, you need to consider airfare, baggage fees, extra things to buy in Orlando, possible shuttles, and more. To figure out what best suits you, sit down an figure out approximately what each is going to cost you. Add them all up and compare. Are you going to save enough doing one to make it worth it? Or would you rather do the more expensive for less hassle. Even still, maybe it's not money you're worried about, it's time. Weather you don't have enough time, and need to fly out at the last second, or you want to spend time road tripping with your family before you leave for 6 months, always make sure to take time into consideration. Compare the two and decide what's best for you!
  • How Much Stuff Do I Need To Bring: Basically, how much stuff do you already own that you're willing to replace? If the idea of buying things you already own, or waiting until the last second to buy things, upsets you, then I recommend you drive. You'll be able to fit much more into your car than you would a suitcase, and you don't have to worry about weight limits. If you don't mind, maybe flying is for you! Or maybe it's not!
   When it comes down to it, weather you fly or drive is up to you. Generally, my recommendation is always going to be to drive (and I hate driving). You're better off being able to bring your things with you and having a car with you in Orlando as you settle in, even if they car isn't staying with you. However, nothing is that cut and dry, and sometimes driving just isn't an option. Sit down and figure out what's best for you relatively soon, before airfare goes up!

Should I Bring My Car?

   This is the question a lot of college program participants ask themselves in the months leading up to check in. And I finally have an easy answer for you: YES! DO IT! BRING IT! Orlando has some of the cheapest gas in the country, and honestly, you'll be glad you have it. Bringing your car doesn't opt you out of the busing system, you don't HAVE to drive your car to work and the parks every day. But when it comes time for grocery shopping, or your bus is 30 minutes late and looking like a no show, or you are getting off work at 2am with the rest of the world... you'll be glad to have it. Hands down, without a doubt, bring your car. Stop wondering, just do it. (...if you can. I am aware that sometimes things come up)

  Feel free to stop by and say hello if you’re looking for a friend, or have any questions you need answered! I am going to be continuing this decision making series over the next couple weeks, so let me know if you have any questions! Also, I’ve considered making a vlog to compliment the blog, but I’m not sure if people would watch? Let me know what you think! I can’t wait to see you real soon!

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