Friday, September 25, 2015

Application, WBI, and Scheduling (August 24)

   Now that we've established that I've been accepted, let move onto the HOW.

Application: 9/24/15 10AM (The Day The Apps Dropped)
   The application process is pretty straight forward. I applied the first day they came out, though I waited a few hours to wait out the inevitable site crash from people making a mad rush to submit their application. I want to say that I started my application at about 10am CT. Make sure you set aside at least 45 minutes to complete your application. Rushing through your application is not going to do you any good. I did my application from my phone, which wasn't horrible, but it didn't have the space to put down volunteer experience, which I know from past applications is available on the desktop site.
   The application is going to ask you the same thing any other job application would: Name, address, social security number, past job experience, have you ever worked for the company before, where do you go to school, etc. It's all very straight forward, no trick questions (yet), but make sure you add everything you need to add. I can't stress enough to take your time. Lots of people move straight into submission after they submit their application. Your best chance of getting past to the Web Based Interview (WBI) is to make sure everything is in order. Watching your spelling and crammer, make sure everything that should be capitalized is.
  • Before you start your application, make sure you have the address, phone number, and your supervisors name for any job you might have held.
  • They're going to ask you about your interest in every role. Try to put as few no interests as possible. I only put 2 (Custodial and housekeeping) with a few low interests. You'll be given the choice between no interest, low interest, medium interest, and high interest. The more things you put any kind of interest in, the more likely you are to get accepted. Just know, you CAN get placed in a low interest role. 
 Thank You For Applying (Email) 9/24/15 11:49AM

   This will be your first email from Disney. It is not the in submission email, it is not the pending email, it is just Disney's way of saying they've received your email and they're going to look at it before getting back to you, plain and simple. It generally takes a while to get this email, it took me about an hour after I submitted my application.

Immediate Action Required (Email) 9/24/15 12:31PM
   If your lucky, you'll get this email pretty soon after. However, some people move straight into submission, which means Disney needs to take a second look at their application. Once you receive this email, you have 3 days to complete your WBI. Set aside AT LEAST 45 minutes. It usually takes me about 30 minutes to complete (I've passed my WBI every time) but life happens and you want to make sure you have the time. Also, I'm a very fast reader, which makes my time shorter than most. You cannot restart the WBI once it has started, and some portions of the test are timed, so make sure you have a quiet, comfortable place to take it and then go ahead and start!

WBI 9/24/15 12:35PM(ish)
   I thankfully had the time to start my WBI right away, which was good since my next few days were crazy with starting school. It took me about 30 minutes to complete and it is fairly straight forward. At the end of the WBI it will take you to a screen that will tell you if you're going to get a phone interview or not. The WBI is, at the core, just a very detailed personality test. It's Disney's way of figuring out if you would be a good fit for the program. There is no real tip or trick I can give you, except be honest and don't be an idiot. If they say "would you ever steal from work" and you say yes, well, you're an idiot. On the other hand, don't lie about your answers or personality. They're going to ask you the same question, multiple times, and if a bunch of your answers are different because you forgot your lie, they're not going to give you a phone interview.So be honest, be smart, take a deep breath, and good luck!

Your Next Step: Schedule Phone Interview (Email) 9/24/15 3:48PM
   Needless to say, I moved onto the phone interview stage. It got this email a few hours after completing my WBI. I've heard of people waiting 30 minutes, I've heard of people waiting 24 hours. It just depends on how busy their server is, how many people are trying to schedule their interview, that sort of stuff. They don't want everyone scheduling at once, or the server will crash. So I got my email about 3 hours later. When I got my email, there were only 2 days available for interviews- Wednesday 8/26 or Thursday /27. That was fine for me, but I know some people weren't available during those times and had to wait a day or two for more times to become available. I scheduled my interview for 8/26 at 7:15AM CT.

  • Schedule your phone interview at a time that's convenient for you, where you can be in a quiet place by yourself. DO NOT decide that the common area of your dorm is a good spot. It's not.
  • When you schedule, be aware that the interview could take place 15 minutes early or 15 minutes late. Also, the interview could take up to half an hour. So if you were scheduling your interview for 9:30AM, you would need to be available from 9:15-10:15. 
  • Make sure when selecting your interview your select your own time zone to keep from missing your interview.
Phone Interview Confirmation (Email) 9/24/15 4:04 PM
    After you've scheduled your phone interview, you'll get a confirmation email with your time so that you don't forget. You'll notice my time says 8:15AM. You'll remember I said 7:15. Also notice the big, bold, all uppercase reminder that the time in the email is Eastern time. And yet, somehow people will still think something went wrong, or they'll be ready at the wrong time. Don't be that person.

   That was my last email from Disney for the day. This is the part where everything happens really fast, lots happens and you're super excited. Now it's time to settle down and prepare for your phone interview. Have a magical day!

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