Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Quick Trip Into Magic Kingdom

Continuing on the path of taking care of myself, I decided last night to go into Magic Kingdom by myself after getting ditched! So at about 7, I left the house and headed towards the parks!

I managed to get some pretty good fastpasses! I headed to Pirates first, bound an determined to find my sister. I went through all the way through the ride without finding her, and ever cast member telling me they had know clue where she was. (Because they couldn't tell we're sisters...?) I decided to try my luck at "mast" (the front of the ride) one more time, and there she was, just waiting for me. I stopped and talked to her and her coworkers for a few minutes, who were all super nice. It's so cool when you can just tell a group of cast members honestly like their job and each other, because they are just so happy. At that point pirates was walk on, so I went ahead an rode it again... I mentioned that this is my favorite ride, right?

After that I headed to Haunted Mansion because if I went to Magic Kingdom and didn't ride Haunted Mansion, somebody would think something was wrong (Have you guys noticed how there STILL isn't a sarcasm font?) I managed to make it into the building just before they closed the door, and still manage to be the first one onto the ride, which was pretty sweet. It's gotten to the point where i can quote a lot of the ride, which says something since I had never ridden it until I started my CP...

Having made it 5 minutes early to my Mansion fastpass, I had an hour and a half until my next fastpass, so I decided to go ahead and go for Mine Train, since the cast member at the front told me that it was really closer to 40 minutes! (as opposed to the advertised 60 minutes) I've never gone through the standby line for Mine train because of the wait times, but it was actually a lot of fun! It's more interactive that I expected, with multiple areas to entertain yourself. The line moves fast, which was nice, because it made it feel like we were getting somewhere.

The best part though, was the actual ride. I got to sit in the front, which made the ride so much better because I could see what was coming. Have I mentioned my aversion to roller coasters yet? So I sat at the front, we pulled out of the station and a huge firework bloomed to life in the sky. The cool thing about Wishes is that the smaller fireworks are set off right behind Cinderella's Castle, while the bigger one's are set off a couple miles behind the park. So we were riding with fireworks going off on either side, able to hear the music, and it was honestly one of the coolest things ever. Riding Mine Train during Wishes is something I've wanted to do badly for a while now, and last night I managed to do it on accident. It was magical and wonderful and I can't wait to do it again!

Little Mermaid had a10 minute wait, which means it's walk on, because it take 10 minutes just to walk to the front of Little Mermaid... There were easily 6 clam shells between me and the people on either side of me. Little Mermaid is a fun one, but I always have the hardest time not singing along because it's one of my favorite movies. With the people one either side of me so far away, I was free to rock out without anyone judging.

After Little Mermaid, I hit my last fastpass for the night, which was... PETER PAN! The day I ride Peter Pan without a fastpass is the day the world ends. That being said, it was my favorite ride when I was a kid, and it's still pretty high up there. I dreamed of flying off to Neverland as a kid, and I think I'm as close to it as I'm going to get working at Disney World.

After that, I figured I was pretty much done for the night, but there was one more surprise in store for me. As I walked towards Main Street USA, a second showing of Celebrate The Magic started up on the castle unannounced, giving me the opportunity to get a good view. Celebrate the Magic is my favorite part of the nighttime shows at Magic Kingdom, and I know all of the words by heart. It was a perfect end to a great night in Magic Kingdom.

I met so many cast members who honestly seem to love working at Disney, and it made me so happy. That's what were here for. To be happy, and to create happiness. It felt good to go into the park by myself, to see things from a different perspective, and I can't wait to do it again!

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