Friday, February 26, 2016

So...I moved?

Surprise? Okay, but not really, since I didn't even know it was going to happen. I had this whole blog post written up from before shit hit the fan that I was going to post and just update but I realized I can't really do that so... here we go!

I've been really down with bronchitis, but I've been trying to not let it stop me! I've been on antibiotics for several days now, so the coughing should stop soon... right? Things with my (old) roommates went south after my last post, as they all pretended to have never known there were any problems, and conveniently forgot/swept under the rug the times I attempted to talk things out before calling it quits... but that's not the worst of it. So they scheduled a housing meeting for Tuesday, which we will get to in a minute...

So after my last post we had a German Karneval welcome event, which I went to with my friend/neighbor Rachel and her roommate Kim! What originally was supposed to just be a quick trip for food ended up being 3 hours and a lot of fun. As I'm sure you've heard, there was no German food, only pizza, but that's okay with me because they had gluten free pizza!!! So. Much. Pizza.

We met up with their friend Miggy (along with several other people who floated in and out over the course of the evening) and found out that he and Kim (being not American) had never heard of/learned a lot of the basic line dances we grew up with. A disastrous attempt at the Cotton Eyed Joe lead to more crazy dancing, and a fun night for all. 

The next day I went to see Deadpool with friends from work (including a lifeguard that I still have somehow never worked with...)  which isn't necessarily my normal sense of humor, but it was funny. I stopped into Erin McKenna's gluten free bakery, but everything is just so heavy. I wish one day someone would figure out how to make a gluten free donuts that isn't dry and dense, yeah? Lots of work and sleeping followed that before finally... we had our housing meeting.

Oh, what to say about the housing meeting? Well, I guess we can be simple. It didn't go well. It ended with the mediators rushing the meeting done very quickly after an hour, and a call from the head of housing that night asking me to please reconsider moving, because they didn't think I was in a safe environment... yikes! I met with them the next morning where they told me I was doing an emergency move, not to talk to my (old) roommates, or tell them I was leaving, and that I had to be done by 5 that evening. AHHHH! It was crazy stressful, and I never want to have to do that again in my life, but I am safe and settled, and that's what matters. My new room is still in the works because I've also been crazy busy, but it's coming along and I think it'll be better than before.

I am so grateful to be surrounded by so many people who care and worry about me. Thank you all for checking in on me and offering to help me (even when there was no viable way for you to help!) Hopefully this can be a new start and a new me. I really, really like my new roommates, and I can see us being great friends, even though I still haven't met one of them due to crazy schedules. The security guards have been so nice, and keep checking to make sure I'm okay, which is a huge relief. Things are finally really starting to look up (and not just because I'm sticking my head up in the clouds.)

Tomorrow is my last 11 hour shift, since we are FINALLY going back to split shifts! I can't wait for 7 hour shifts, where the days are going to fly by. And in just 6 more get ups my mom and Grandpa will be here! I have so many awesome things to look forwards to and I can't wait to share them with you! Have a magical day!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Quick Trip Into Magic Kingdom

Continuing on the path of taking care of myself, I decided last night to go into Magic Kingdom by myself after getting ditched! So at about 7, I left the house and headed towards the parks!

I managed to get some pretty good fastpasses! I headed to Pirates first, bound an determined to find my sister. I went through all the way through the ride without finding her, and ever cast member telling me they had know clue where she was. (Because they couldn't tell we're sisters...?) I decided to try my luck at "mast" (the front of the ride) one more time, and there she was, just waiting for me. I stopped and talked to her and her coworkers for a few minutes, who were all super nice. It's so cool when you can just tell a group of cast members honestly like their job and each other, because they are just so happy. At that point pirates was walk on, so I went ahead an rode it again... I mentioned that this is my favorite ride, right?

After that I headed to Haunted Mansion because if I went to Magic Kingdom and didn't ride Haunted Mansion, somebody would think something was wrong (Have you guys noticed how there STILL isn't a sarcasm font?) I managed to make it into the building just before they closed the door, and still manage to be the first one onto the ride, which was pretty sweet. It's gotten to the point where i can quote a lot of the ride, which says something since I had never ridden it until I started my CP...

Having made it 5 minutes early to my Mansion fastpass, I had an hour and a half until my next fastpass, so I decided to go ahead and go for Mine Train, since the cast member at the front told me that it was really closer to 40 minutes! (as opposed to the advertised 60 minutes) I've never gone through the standby line for Mine train because of the wait times, but it was actually a lot of fun! It's more interactive that I expected, with multiple areas to entertain yourself. The line moves fast, which was nice, because it made it feel like we were getting somewhere.

The best part though, was the actual ride. I got to sit in the front, which made the ride so much better because I could see what was coming. Have I mentioned my aversion to roller coasters yet? So I sat at the front, we pulled out of the station and a huge firework bloomed to life in the sky. The cool thing about Wishes is that the smaller fireworks are set off right behind Cinderella's Castle, while the bigger one's are set off a couple miles behind the park. So we were riding with fireworks going off on either side, able to hear the music, and it was honestly one of the coolest things ever. Riding Mine Train during Wishes is something I've wanted to do badly for a while now, and last night I managed to do it on accident. It was magical and wonderful and I can't wait to do it again!

Little Mermaid had a10 minute wait, which means it's walk on, because it take 10 minutes just to walk to the front of Little Mermaid... There were easily 6 clam shells between me and the people on either side of me. Little Mermaid is a fun one, but I always have the hardest time not singing along because it's one of my favorite movies. With the people one either side of me so far away, I was free to rock out without anyone judging.

After Little Mermaid, I hit my last fastpass for the night, which was... PETER PAN! The day I ride Peter Pan without a fastpass is the day the world ends. That being said, it was my favorite ride when I was a kid, and it's still pretty high up there. I dreamed of flying off to Neverland as a kid, and I think I'm as close to it as I'm going to get working at Disney World.

After that, I figured I was pretty much done for the night, but there was one more surprise in store for me. As I walked towards Main Street USA, a second showing of Celebrate The Magic started up on the castle unannounced, giving me the opportunity to get a good view. Celebrate the Magic is my favorite part of the nighttime shows at Magic Kingdom, and I know all of the words by heart. It was a perfect end to a great night in Magic Kingdom.

I met so many cast members who honestly seem to love working at Disney, and it made me so happy. That's what were here for. To be happy, and to create happiness. It felt good to go into the park by myself, to see things from a different perspective, and I can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Explanation, Catching Up, and Getting Happy

Oh man! Life has been crazy. I feel like I haven't had a single chance to sit down and clear my head since we got here. Between work and training (we're always training as lifeguards...) I've been running around every second of everyday. 3 days a week I get up, go to work, come home and sleep (I work 11 hours a day right now, so I'm gone 13 hours a day). Lifeguards have 4 hours of in service training to fulfill every month, but we've been picking up extras for extra hours. Then I've been trying to fit every minute I can into my days off.. when I'm not sitting on the couch.

To be honest, the reason I haven't been writing or online is because I've been hiding. Hiding from my roommates, hiding from the world. I've been depressed, and I allowed it to take it's toll on me. My roommate situation is bad. Very bad. I only get along with one of the five of them, and I don't feel comfortable in my own apartment. It's hostile and everyone blames all of the problems in the apartment on me, so I don't feel safe or welcome. I've contemplated asking for a voluntary move several times, but I know other people who have much worse roommate situations, and I don't want to put myself in that position.

But I've decided I won't let them effect me anymore. These negative, hateful people don't get to have a say in my life anymore. They don't get to bring me down and ruin the experience for me. I'm standing up for me. We can coexist without ever having to talk or speak or look at each other... right?

Despite all the negativity and depression, there have been several good points!
Jambo House Pool

Samawati Springs Splash Pad - Kidani Village

One of the many over looks at DAKL
My Coronado Springs training group - 6 lifeguards!
Kidani Village Pool

For example, I love my job! I love my co-workers, I love my managers, I love my coordinators. Life at DACO (Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge/Coronado Springs Rec department is called DACO) isn't always perfect but it's pretty close to it. My coordinators like me, everyone is so incredibly helpful and nice, it's wonderful. Disney is in the middle of undergoing some big changes and DACO is working really hard to make it not so painful for us.
Saludos Amigos!

I loved going through the resort orientation and learning about both of the resorts. Learning the stories behind each resort and the way they go above and beyond. I love learning about each of the pools. For example, at DAKL, Jambo House has a bigger pool, but Kidani Village has a better slide. I love that I can use that information to help guests and send them to where they need to go. I love listening to kids flying down the slide laughing hysterically, screaming "THIS IS AWESOME!" and knowing every word to the pool party playlist and singing along with the kids who inevitably congregate under my stand.
The lanterns at DAKL stay on day and night to help our guests find their way home

Most regions went back to spring hours on March 5, but DACO stayed in winter hours, so 3 days a week I open and close our pool. I even love the guests, despite some crazy experiences. (For example, one lady tried to push me into the pool because I was in her picture, while a different day a man announced loudly to his buddies that I am too fat and ugly to be a lifeguard... oh goodness). So I've had lot's of time to myself, which I've tried to take advantage of!
Spaceship Earth is one of my favorite rides, even if I do regularly call it "The Golf Ball"
Haunted Mansion

Streets of America... I can never seem to find the time to just go to Hollywood Studios...

All you need is a little faith, trust, and coffee.

I've spent the most time in EPCOT, but I've ridden Haunted Mansion the most, and my favorite ride is still Pirates (which isn't just because my sister works there). I've only gone and gotten beignets once, but I've had zebra domes three times. Animal Kingdom has my favorite show, Festival of the Lion King, which I try and see once a week. But Mickey's PhilharMagic is a close second, and I've only seen that once.
Frying pans, who knew!

France pavilion in EPCOT

Tree of Life - how many animals can you spot?

Main Street USA

One of the families I use to nanny came and saw me last week! O and B are 8 and 4 (almost 5!!!) and I was almost positive B (the 4 year old) wouldn't remember me. When I walked up to them in the Lego store in Disney Springs the night they got there, however, O screamed and B hugged and hugged me, and then kept looking at me like I was going to disappear. They came into town late one night, went to Magic Kingdom the next day, and left the day after. I meet up with them around noon and we flew around the park the way you don't really do when you work here. we did 18 rides, 10 character encounters, 3 shows, 2 parades, fireworks, and so much more. It was good to spend a day with people who love me unconditionally.
Homemade marshmallows!

For Valentines day, my Mama sent me a huge box full chocolates and gummies and my favorite chocolate covered gummy bears from a local candy factory! Best of all, though, she sent me a bag of homemade peppermint marshmallows, which are like gold in our family. I also got a cute card from my puppy, Ginger, who seems to know when I'm on the phone with my mom, because she stick's her head into the phone every time.

Two of my roommates and I tried to go to EPCOT to meet princes on Valentines day, but that was a bust. However, I did get to meet my twin (Snow White) who everyone always tells me I look like! I've meet several characters over the last month, though my favorite was when I met Mickey at Tusker House!

One day I tried to go to the post office and ended up on an adventure! Celebration is a cute little town that reminds me of a lake town in Michigan without my beautiful lake. I suppose that's why I fell in love with it at first sight. I haven't spent a lot of time there, but I have plans to go back for market day! Things in Florida are a lot different than at home, and sometimes you just need a piece of home (or in my case, you need a piece of home a lot.)
Lunch at The Mara at DAKL

Sushi in the Japan Pavillion

Hard cider from Rose and Crown

Uno's Pizza!

I am, without a doubt, a "foodie" (even though I HATE that word...) I love food, but most of all I love flavor. One of my favorite things about Disney is how many different flavors there are, and how easy it is for me to eat. Macaroons in France, beignets at Port Orleans, and zebra domes at Animal Kingdom Lodge are just a few of my favorite things here is Disney. However, my best find was Uno's Pizzeria chain. No, it's not the real Uno's. But guess what: it is real Chicago pizza. It has a nice thin crust with a great sweet sauce, and it's relatively cheap and close to the apartments!
Bits and pieces of the Flower and Garden festival are starting to show up!

I'm excited for the things to come. Tomorrow my two Disney classes start, and I managed to sign up for the two classes I want during the next mini semester. My mom and grandpa arrive March 3rd, just in time for Flower and Garden Festival, which is my favorite time to be in EPCOT. The first time I went to EPCOT was during Flower and Garden and it's hard to go when it's not all decked out and beautiful. But mostly, I'm looking forward to being happy, to not allowing others to take control of my life. Here's to taking control of my future.

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