Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from my family to yours! We're getting close! 17 days until check in and 15 days until I leave for Florida. Life has been absolutely crazy around here. I've been attempting to finish up my pre-Florida shopping, finished my Christmas shopping, gave my notice, and have started packing! I feel like the last couple weeks have been a constant go-go-go. I am so ready for a little break before I jump straight into being a lifeguard! The kids I nanny are out of school for winter break and life has been crazy in their household...

I finally found my Traditions dress! I have several business casual clothes for classes, but I wanted something different and new for Traditions. I ended up falling in love with this dress in a dark red color (they call it "tawny port") at this little store called Dry Goods USA [DGU]. I had gone to a bigger mall than the one we have locally (I hate shopping in Indiana, I'm telling you) and at first we walked right by DGU, because their display was all flannels and comfy scarves, and not exactly what I need for Florida! After a couple hours and countless stores, I was beginning to give up hope. I don't have the greatest body shape, and it's hard to find clothes, especially dresses and shirts, that fit me. They're never long enough, the chest area is always to tight, and the neckline to high. It's a mess. But for once I walked in and had a hard time deciding what to buy because I loved everything I tried on! All of the sales associates were great and crazy helpful! I'm sad that there isn't a DGU in Florida!!! This dress is perfect for work with a blazer or for going out (which isn't something I usually buy into... BUT IT IS!)

The one good thing about walking into five million and two stores before finding the right dress is that we went into H&M right away, and I was able to pick up this blazer. I was able to try dresses on with the blazer to see if I liked it or not. It was $20, though they don't have it on the US website, which is a crazy good deal for a blazer!

I also finished most of my shopping. In the last couple weeks I've managed to buy towels, bed risers, white lights, a toaster, carabiners, a coffee pot, shower curtain, and to be honest I've lost count of  what else. I still have a very few more things to buy (mainly black ballet flats and work shoes) but I'm waiting until after Christmas for the sales to hit. I've managed to save all of the money I budgeted for myself and then some, which is a huge relief. I was worried about my first couple weeks but now I feel okay!

I also started packing! Or... putting the big stuff in the trunk of my car to get it out of the way and out of the house! I've started sorting my stuff into piles as I'm washing it: pack for Florida, things I'm going to use before Florida but also in Florida, and things I'm leaving home. The clothes I'm not using before Florida are being shuttled into space bags, but a lot of that stuff is still sitting in my drawers, since I haven't worn it recently. Thankfully I have all of next week off of work, so I'll be able to take the time to sort and pack then. I'm starting to get a little teeny tiny bit nervous about having to bring all of my sisters stuff and all of my stuff, as well as all of my mom and sisters stuff for the week they'll be down there... but it'll work. My mom is the master of car tetris.

Giving notice was so nerve wracking I nearly had a panic attack (...that wasn't a joke about mental disorders, I have anxiety, and honestly almost had a panic attack.). I feel bad for the family I nanny for, because they are having such a hard time finding a replacement, since we live in such a small town. The baby I nanny is not going to be happy when I'm gone...

The next two weeks before I leave are going to be insane. I am going to visit my dad for a couple days, I have to visit my grandma, I need to get my hair dyed to one shade, go swimming a few more times, pack, work, a quick trip to Detroit, and pack up my bedroom. I'm not sure when I'm going to find time to sleep, but I'll get there. In the mean time I'll be enjoying the next few days of relaxing with my family before life gets crazy! Feel free to message me with any questions you might have or just to say hey! I can't wait to meet you guys in a couple weeks!

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