Friday, October 23, 2015

How Did I Find Out!?

   I've gone through all of the technical details now, so now what about the "how did I find out, where was I, how did I tell my family, yada yada yada?" I feel like I should tell you, before we get into this, that I'm a nanny for a 21 month old (LZ) and a 6 year old(LN). I've only recently started working for this family, and while I do love the kids - let's just say that I'm not going to be sorry to leave. It has not been an easy job so far, we'll leave it at that.

   So, I was having a particularly hard day at work, it was early afternoon, and so I was home with just LZ, when my phone dinged. I was in the middle of calming her down from a particularly nasty temper tantrum, so I wasn't able to get to it right away. Finally, she was calm and happy, I glanced at my phone and there it was:


   I won't lie, I immediately started crying hysterically. I had all of these plans on how to tell my family, super cute ideas, but they immediately flew out the door. I tried to call my mom, no answer, got a hold of my sister, managed to choke out that I had gotten in but I didn't know what my role was yet. LZ came up to me, starts patting my face and frowning. She still doesn't really speak (I'm working on it) but she can say "cry" which of course made me cry more, even though they were good tears. I found out I'm going to be a lifeguard (YAY!), paid my fees, talked to my sister (again) and that was that!

   All in all, I got lucky that only LZ was home, because she can't talk, so she can't tell her family before I'm ready (which LN would have done). We danced around the house and celebrated, which definitely seemed to cheer her up! Now, just 80 more days until check in!

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