Saturday, August 6, 2016

I Guess I Forgot To Announce.. I'm Also Working For The "Other Guy"

Surprise? I guess not really if you follow my Instagram or Facebook, but I never talked about it here? So...

At the beginning of July I went in and interviewed at Universal Studios Orlando. Interviews are held in the Human Resources building, one stop light down from the directions your GPS is going to take you. It's also where you're going to end up parking for the rest of forever if you get hired for USO (as opposed to City Walk or Islands of Adventure). Park in Applicant parking, following the very small signs pretty far down. Inside you check in with security, go through a metal detector, and have your bag run through an x-ray machine. You fill out a form, and wait for forever to be called. It's nice because they play movies while you wait, but it literally feels like it takes forever.

Eventually I got called in, and interviewed with a lovely woman whose name I forget. She asked my a lot of questions about my leadership and management experience. They were all pretty basic questions aimed at finding out how you handle different situations. She asked a couple of questions that had similar enough stories that I had to come up with different stories. In the end, she let me know that she felt comfortable hiring me, but she wanted to wait until closer to the end of my CP so I wouldn't have conflicting schedules. So I scheduled another interview for a week before the end of my program and went on my merry way.

Fast forward three weeks and I'm back in the same place. A new interviewer, Candi, who let me know I would have to go through the whole interview process again. Two questions in, she changed her mind and said I was obviously a perfect fit, and she was going to find a place for me - would I like to work in Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

At this point, I started to get excited. As in, I was actually bouncing up and down in my chair excited. Before I could get too excited though, she let me know that I would have to be able to answer some trivia questions to move forward in WWoHP. How would I rate my knowledge of Harry Potter on a scale of 1-5? I said 4, just in case she came up with some crazy obscure question, and she pulled out a quiz with questions categorized into 5 groups based on how hard they were. I flew through the number 4 questions without hesitating, and so she asked me to do the 5 questions. In the end there was only 1 question I wasn't able to answer, but once she told me I remembered and was able to recall facts surrounding the event. So I moved on and found out my role. Drum roll please!

Harry Potter and the Escape From Gringotts!

So I am going to be wearing this absolutely hideous security guard looking costume, but I don't care, because I am going to be working in Diagon Alley! My heart can hardly stand it. Butterbeer, here I come!

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