Sunday, March 6, 2016


Aloha from Disney's Polynesian Village Resort! I have fantastic news - my Mom is here! I'm so over the moon excited to see her and my Papa, who came along as well! Very last minute we decided to switch over to the Poly, since they were supposed to have a roll in shower, and it's a beautiful resort. It's a little bit frustrating because we stayed club level and the Disney service was absolutely missing our first two days, but things are finally turning around. They gave our room to someone else, but Papa has been able to manage okay. The room is huge and beautiful, and we can see Cinderella's castle and all of the fireworks at night. They pipe the music into the lounge, but also into the walkways, so we can hear and see Wishes right from our porch.

Mom and Papa got here Thursday afternoon, right when I was supposed to start my shift. I was already considering ER-ing, but I was bound and determined to finish my last shift for the next few days. And then as I was pulling into the Animal Kingdom Lodge cast parking lot I remembered that I had forgotten my hat, and that I was working at Kidani, and that Kidani is the only pool I work that I absolutely have to have a hat. And so, oh darn, I had to ask for an ER and surprise my Mom and Papa, who didn't know that I had managed to take an ER.

The best thing about staying club level is the view, but the desserts are pretty fabulous to. The first night we had a raspberry mousse and I swear I ate 10. (Only a very slight exaggeration.) There were also cream puffs, whoopie pies, and cookies (always so many cookies) but only the mousse was gluten free. They always have everything free cookies in the back, they are so dry and flavorless there is no point in eating them.
That night we went home since Papa was to tired out for us to stay with them, and I ended up staying up super late talking to my roommates, and then sleeping through my alarms the next morning, so I didn't get up and out until 7:30. Breakfast in the lounge was good, with oatmeal, bagels, muffins, yogurt and more for me.  We decided that we'd do what Papa wanted first, because he is never happy until we've gone to Epcot.

Friday was my first time going to Flower and Garden Festival this year, and I was so excited! Flower and Garden is my favorite time of year in Epcot, because it's just so much more beautiful all decked out. First off we went to Living With The Land, which is my Papa's favorite ride in Epcot. I know a lot of people don't like it, but I love the rain forest room, and how there are always new plants to see. We rode Spaceship Earth, which is one of my favorite rides, and tooled around Future World before heading to the World Showcase for lunch.

I never realized how little seating there is in the world showcase until it was time to find seating for lunch and people started panicking. That morning I had grabbed a Flower and Garden Festival passport, and I was a bit disappointed by the lack of gluten free choices. However, and I was walking through the world showcase, I saw there were more items marked gluten free than the passport said. We got curryworst and paprika chips in Germany, which was delicious and surprisingly filling. Then heading over to France, we grabbed one of the macaroon's at the Fleur De Lys cart. This years macaroon is a chocolate macaroon with a fudge center and a bit of raspberry jam. It was very good, but very heavy, and I really prefer the strawberry macaroon ice cream sandwich in the ice cream shop. But that could be because I've never been a big chocolate person.

After that we headed back to the hotel, where all of a sudden Papa got a hankering for a Bloody Mary, which he had to have right that second. Once we finally found a bar that was open, Papa decided to take a gander through Ohana (which was closed), which of course, made him decided that it sounded delicious, and would be a fabulous dinner choice (not that I was complaining). With the only reservation on My Disney Experience being at 9:45PM, my mom and I decided to wait in standby to see if we could get a walk up reservation when they opened. An hour later we were seated and it was some of the best food we've had our whole trip.

We started with bread, which was fabulous, even my gluten free bread (which isn't always so good here). The dressing on the salad was wonderful and fresh. Then my family was brought a bowl of noodles, vegetables, and chicken wings, while I got a plate to myself of veggies, white rice and gluten free chicken wings. The best part, though, was the meat. The steak practically melted in your mouth, the chicken was good (and I hate chicken) and the shrimp was so addicting I had more than I probably should have. We finished the night with bread pudding or them, and ice cream and fresh fruit for me. We rolled back to the room just in time to catch Wishes from the beach in front of our room, which was the end to a perfect day.

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